Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Dr Trevor Sayers for Road March?

There is something about Mr ..., Dr Trevor Sayers that never sat well with me. Is it the lack of evidence of his PhD, or his Ministry of Natural Herbs and Healing being left out in the Partnership's budget or his randomly calling out body parts and internal organs as diseases or conditions. What ever it is I could never seem to take him seriously (despite evidence of his herbal success). His vids usually are meant for advertisement, but his recent video seems to imply that he may have changed his focus to Trinidad’s youth and maybe a Road March title. Go beyond the break to find out more.

This new video entitled “New Dance in School” is a crazy mashup of children jumping, video game trailers and Trevor Sayers in a school girl’s uniform. He tries to encourage staying in school and obeying your parents and teachers, but the video is so hilarious, it renders his message mute. I don't know exactly what Halo, Blur and God of War 3 have to do with the ‘new dance’ or sticking to your education but I don't think it matters much.  I am however more concerned with the girl that he stole that uniform from, she obviously has a thyroid problem and needs the doctor’s help.

What ever you think about Trevor Sayers, he have established for himself a style and he is not unlike the other Trini stars I talked about in a previous post. That said I think I have ‘kidney’ and ‘bladder’ and should get a check up. In the mean time I say Dr Trevor Sayers for Carnival Road March 2011, but no body listens to Eingoluq.

Trevor Sayers New Dance in School.